I wonder why when you see the radar for the southwest section of the U.S., you see rain moving across, as occurred this morning , yet never mentioned on the news. Any rain in a drought would be welcome news, yet you never see it broadcast as such. It is ignored. If the rain comes down too heavily and flooding occurs, Texas and the High Desert region this past week, the flooding and “violent nature” of the storms is emphasized. Climate change proponents control the media and tailor the news to fit their needs. We need the whole weather report. I am happy to see rain falling where it is needed. Those climate change guys must be a real drag.

Stand-up Comedy

I heard Donald Trump doing stand-up  comedy instead of campaigning.  A little levity in criticizing your opponents is necessary, and Trump has been delivering entertainment along those lines; now, that has changed. He is working the audience for laughs. He follows those laughs with a quick  platitude. Ridiculing his opponents is not enough. He needs more details in his presentation. You have people’s attention and they may be laughing, but they need details to bring home and pass along to others. The jokes will be stale or forgotten the following day. Getting people to think as you do with levity, not strained attempts at reaching comedic hysteria, should be the goal. I understand his thoughts, agree with some, and leave the jokes behind. Only details are worth pondering.